Glaucoma Has a Strong Hereditary Link
Most Cases Start Off With Peripheral Vision Loss
High Eye Pressure May Damage The Optic Nerve
These Increase Your Risk of Developing Glaucoma
Older Age Increases The Risk of Developing Glaucoma
Let our eye specialist conduct a detailed screening test for glaucoma – this typically includes a review of your family history, a visual field test and an eye pressure test.
There may not be a cure for glaucoma, but early detection and targeted intervention can do wonders in slowing its progression significantly, thus preserving sight.
With early and sustained treatment, glaucoma’s progression can be significantly slowed, so you can enjoy decent eyesight decades on in your golden years.
Our ophthalmologist Dr Leo Seo Wei has over two decades of experience treating and managing glaucoma effectively. Our clinic is well-equipped with modern ophthalmological equipment that can accurately diagnose glaucoma and is stocked with industry-recognized medicines which have been proven to treat glaucoma properly.
As glaucoma is a progressive disease and each individual has a different risk level, we treat each patient with a personalized treatment plan to ensure optimal preservation of sight in the long run.
Glaucoma eye drops are the most common and easiest way of keeping one’s eye pressure under control. With many types to choose from, it is likely that there is one out there that suits your condition well with minimal side effects.
Some people may not be suitable for any of the glaucoma eye drops available. Fret not, this is where modern laser techniques come in to reduce your eye pressure effectively and precisely.
If laser surgery and medical eye drops still do not relieve your eye pressure sufficiently, there is always the final resort of eye surgery. Don’t let that scare you though – eye surgery may be more invasive and complex, but in the hands of an experienced glaucoma surgeon, you can be assured of a strong track record of safe and effective care.
Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma
Angle-Closure Glaucoma